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Hill Country Soul Purpose Retreat

Discover Clarity,
Healing, and
Empowerment to Let Your
Authentic Light Shine

October 5-9th, 2023
New Ulm, Tx

If you are a student of the Universe and feel the call to shine your light, heal the past and fulfill your life's purpose, then join us for a heart-centered retreat where you'll free yourself from past trauma and limiting beliefs, develop a clear vision of your mission, and gain a tribe that supports the expression of your most authentic self.


As the sun sets over the rolling hills of the Texas countryside, you hear the crackle of the fire as your fellow seekers gather for the heart opening Cacao ceremony. You’ve spent a day releasing the past and connecting with your power. Now, feeling your feet grounded to this sacred space, a beautiful knowing arises deep within you. Life is now no longer what it has been, you have already taken inspired steps towards your truest calling.  


With the fire burning brightly in front of you, you feel the breeze blowing old burdens away and you see your limitations rise into the night with the crackling embers. You inhale and feel your power center give you a familiar confirmation. Your compass is on point. This is where you are meant to be. 


As you take your first sip, you experience the warmth, aroma, and  richness of the sacred cacao. You pause.  A deep gratitude swells in your heart as you look around this sacred circle, at your new tribe, acknowledging the vulnerability and love that has been shared. You know you will forever walk alongside these incredible beings. 


You give yourself a gentle hug, thanking yourself for having listened to the nudge that brought you here as you make a promise to  yourself to never turn your back on your inner light. You were meant to shine and shine you will!


I want to shine again!

By the end of this journey…

  • You will feel the freedom of the hamster wheel of your life being in the rearview mirror (and your true desires unfolding in front of you).

  • You will generate a magnetic force in your life to ignite your authentic self and align your inspired actions to your vision.

  • You will dismantle limiting beliefs, let go of negative self-talk and begin the inner healing so you can  feel light, free and fearless.

  • You will know how to calm those fearful, over-analytical parts of your brain  and return to who you are meant to be.

  • Your compass will be on point to your newfound expansion, and you experience the certainty of trusting your inner guidance.


As you turn off the highway, the noise and chaos of the city fade away. Your eyes find space to rest on the serene surroundings. 


As you make your way through the pristine grounds of Sunny Sunset Suites, you feel a subtle energy, a tingle on your skin, and a smile on your heart. The vast expanse of the countryside before you, and you can feel the ancient wisdom of the land emanating from every blade of grass. You sense a gathering of our ancestors here, and the magic of this land fills you with reverence and awe.


The cozy luxury of your accommodations envelopes you, like a warm embrace, inviting you to sink into a deep exhale and release any lingering tension. You take in the loving details that make this place feel like home. You feel a profound sense of belonging and gratitude.

Beyond the accommodations, the hundred-year-old pecan orchard stretches out, with a charming treehouse beckoning you to relive your childhood memories. You slip off your shoes and feel the cool grass beneath your toes, connecting you to the earth and grounding you in the present moment. 


The majestic barn takes you to another time. You can feel the wheels of time slow down. You know that this is the pause you've been waiting for, a chance to rejuvenate, reconnect, and heal. A flutter of anticipation stirs within you, and you smile, knowing that this retreat will be a life-changing experience. As you close your eyes, you feel a deep sense of gratitude for the nurturing gift you've given yourself, and you hear the first of many whispers, "life will never be the same.”


Take me to the Hill Country!

The Cuisine

Take me to the Hill Country!


As you sit down at the table, a colorful array of nutrient-dense foods greets you with a rich aroma of fresh herbs and spices. Crafted with love and intention, each dish has been carefully adapted to meet all dietary needs, ensuring everyone feels included.


Designed to nourish your body and soul with vibrant energy, every bite invigorates you from the inside out, from the savory umami of roasted vegetables to the sweet tang of fresh fruit. One dish that stands out among the spread is the vegan curry, a mouthwatering explosion of flavor combinations that leave you gobsmacked.


Made with a blend of exotic spices, creamy coconut milk, and tender chunks of vegetables, the curry is a testament to the chef's culinary mastery. As you savor the dish, you can't help but feel the love and care that went into every ingredient and every step of the cooking process.

As you sip on the blessed water, infused with high-frequency mandalas, you are reminded to be grateful for the abundance of the earth and the nourishment it provides.


Every meal is an opportunity to celebrate the beauty and diversity of nature and to share that joy with others. You look around the table and see the best of humanity gathered together, sharing in the richness of the food and the joy of each other's company. Your heart swells with gratitude for this moment and this experience.


I am ready to nourish my soul!


 The Journey
Activities & Descriptive Itinerary

My experience and the Hill Country retreat was nothing short of life changing.


When I came to the retreat I was in a state of crisis and how I even go there was because Kyrstie had the whisper to reach out to me to see if I might be interested in joining the retreat . It was perfect timing. I was at a very low point. I felt like I was lost and I knew I was done living my life with the belief that I had about myself and the world, my potential… just a lot of fear, but I knew I needed to let it go and something needed to shift. Her reaching out was truly a miracle and I am incredibly grateful. 


What followed was some amazing healing that took place that weekend. The shifts that have occurred for have been permanent in a  away that I could not have imagined.


My life is now is in place where I feel calm, I feel strength in myself; I don’t question my worth, I don't worry every day about what I am doing I am just trusting the process and so confident and solid in who I am in a way I have never been my entire life.


I cannot speak highly enough about the facilitators that were there and what they did for me. I went in pretty raw and scared and vulnerable and in a really scary place for myself but I was also open to the process and open to the work and these individuals gave them over to me as well and had commitment to see me heal and grow in my own gifts and letting go of my patterns of thought and being and because of their dedication and mine, we .. magic happened that weekend and I am healed in a way that I haven't been ever. 


I still have things I want to work on and will continue to address oloing this but the shift that occurred that weekend was truly magical and I cannot speak highly enough about these people and what they do. Thank you thank you! 


You hear the song of the birds and feel the dewy grass between your toes. Waking up in the stillness of the country to journal after a day of deep release. Something is missing. It’s like a faded memory of an old photo. It's the heaviness of the past. It’s gone.  Becky’s energy work, meditations and clearings have only begun, but the freedom you already experience is noteworthy. You grab your journal and listen to the whispers. “ You’ve done good, dear one. You are on your way.”  


If you ever thought healing had to be “hard work”,  processing every traumatic moment, and going through the eye of the needle. Think again. Becky has spent over 20 years perfecting gentle techniques that can effectively clear and release stuck energy.  You will experience a seamless and effortless process of healing and clearing stuck energy, both for yourself and others. Imagine bringing that tool back in your suitcase!

By choosing to prioritize your nourishment, you open yourself up to the experience of truly listening and embracing your authentic self.


This allows you to return to your work, home, and relationships with the confidence and strength to embody your true light, becoming your own champion in all aspects of your life.


Awaken each day with a powerful sense of purpose, ready to take inspired action that aligns with the deepest yearnings of your soul. By doing so, you tap into the limitless potential within yourself, unlocking the energy and drive to manifest your dreams and fulfill your destiny.

By taking the time to identify which activities drain your energy and which ones fill you up, you can gain a deeper understanding of what truly matters to you.


Armed with this knowledge, you can prioritize your tasks and transform your to-do list into an inspiration list that ignites your passion and fuels your motivation.


In a safe and welcoming environment, open your heart and express yourself without fear. Forge deep connections and form friendships that will last a lifetime.


Embrace vulnerability and authenticity to create a community of like-minded individuals who uplift and enrich your life with meaning and belonging.


This sounds amazing! 


This Retreat is for you if...

  • You are ready to give yourself as much love as you do others

  • You feel a nudge to evolve your gifts

  • You are ready to step boldly into your purpose

  • You want to release the heaviness and blocks to your full power

  • You are open to spiritual ceremonies and alternative healing

  • You know  that life does get even better than this


This retreat is not for you if..

  • You consider yourself closed off to new possibilities and experiences

  • You frown upon energy work, spiritual ceremonies and alternative healing

  • You are not interested in a spiritual upgrade to see life more vibrantly

  • You’re more attached to your point of view then to what is possible

  • You are a taker not a giver

  • You aren’t open to inviting new people and experiences into your life

  • You are not willing to laugh, cry, hug or be vulnerable

  • You dislike being outdoors in nature

Gossiping over Tea

We provide a pre-trip coaching call to answer any questions, and highlight your intentions for the retreat, helping you align with the group's energy and manifest your goals.

Bonus #1: Pre-Trip Call

Access to a private Facebook group exclusively for retreat attendees allows you to connect with like-minded individuals in a safe space. Introduce yourself, share experiences, and receive continued guidance and inspiration from our community

Bonus #3:One-on-One Sessions

We offer personalized one-on-one sessions, including sound healing, Reiki, activations, energy healing, or channeled guidance, to help you overcome blockages and accelerate your transformational journey. Choose to have these sessions during or after the retreat for additional support and leave feeling renewed and ready for the next chapter of your life.

Bonus #2: Facebook Group Access

I  feel so supported already!

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90 miles between Austin and Houston
Between La Grange and Brenham, Texas
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Let's Connect

If you are still unsure or have more  questions, please reach out. We would love to speak to you.

Thanks for reaching out!


What's Included

  • 5  days of workshops, interactive experiences, deep healing and downtime to integrate all the magic

  • Our dreamy accommodations in luxurious and unique cottages at Sunny Sunset Suites include double occupancy for 4 restful nights. 

  • For those who prefer more privacy, a limited number of private rooms are available for an additional charge.

  • During your stay, you'll be treated to a total of 4 mouth watering dinners, 5 restorative lunches, and 4 energizing breakfasts, carefully crafted with your well-being in mind.

  • If you need a quick pick-me-up throughout the day, we've got you covered with plenty of fueling snacks and high vibin’ water to keep you hydrated

  • All cottages come equipped with coffee and tea for a cozy and refreshing start to your day, or a quiet time to journal and integrate your insights, as well as filtered water to keep you hydrated and feeling your best.

  • Sacred Cacao ceremony and land blessing to open the heart and connect with the land

  • A pre-trip call to connect and create your intention, setting the stage for a transformative and fulfilling experience.

  • Private Facebook group to create community prior to your experience 

What's NOT Included

  • Your transportation (airfare or gas) to the venue

  • Personal, medical or trip cancellation/ travel insurance. 


“As an educator, I find myself not taking enough time for myself. Sometimes you need a lil Hill Country Retreat to reconnect with yourself. Rarely, you are lucky to navigate that journey with like minded people. That beautiful weekend  was filled with laughter, light, and love. Energy is not Hocus Pocus, it is science and intrinsically and collectively how we heal ❤️. I was able to slow down, eat healthier, and process a lot of the stressors in my life. It was transformative in my perspective as I finished out one of the most challenging school years.  - Tania”


Kyrstie has the innate ability to bring together the right team of people/community to create a magical experience at Hill Country Retreats – healing, reflection, inspiration, relaxation, and food! In just a few days, I shifted so much energy, cleared blocks, connected with like-minded humans, set intentions, painted, journaled, relaxed and recharged. The peaceful setting and accommodations were the perfect backdrop for much needed self-care. - Kim

Meet the Team

      Benjamin Koch : Retreat Facilitator   

Greetings! I'm Benjamin, and like many, I used to find myself trapped in the confines of a traditional corporate job, feeling like I was missing out on living my life's true purpose or dharma. But my journey took a transformative turn when years of spiritual practice, soul-searching, and embarking on pilgrimages around the world led to an outward awakening that propelled me to manifest my purpose in tangible ways.


Today, I am not just a teacher, transformation coach, and healer; I am someone who is deeply passionate about creating sacred spaces for conscious transformation. That's why I designed The Purpose Lab, a groundbreaking program aimed at helping individuals connect with their authentic sense of purpose on a profound level. By aligning with their heartfelt purpose, participants in The Purpose Lab unlock an energy that propels them forward, infusing their lives with enthusiasm that pulls them out of bed each morning.


My approach to purpose work extends beyond mere theory. I believe in employing powerful tools of transformation to support individuals on their journey. Through practices such as breathwork, meditation, visualization, sound healing, and ceremonial rituals, I guide people to tap into their intuition and access their subconscious mind, making it an ally for a life of deep meaning.


Together, we uncover and overcome limiting beliefs, harnessing the immense power of the law of vibration to co-create with the universe in perfect synchronicity. My commitment is to help you identify and release the barriers that hold you back, enabling you to live authentically and contribute to the greater good of yourself and the world.


My work is driven by a genuine desire to facilitate personal growth and transformation. I believe that by supporting individuals in unlocking their true potential and living purposefully, we create a ripple effect of positive change in the lives of many.

Becky Hendrickson: Retreat Facilitator

I'm Becky Hendrickson, an Energy Intuitive and a dedicated healing coach. With over 18 years of experience, I have been privileged to share my powerful gifts of healing and empowerment with individuals through private sessions, regional workshops, and transformational retreats. As a spiritual medium, my area of expertise lies in Ancestral Healing, where I facilitate profound connections between individuals and their ancestral lineage.

Ever since I embarked on my journey as an energy healer, I have gained the ability to reflect upon my life and recognize instances of clairvoyancy that existed even in my childhood. Like many other light-workers, there came a significant "season" when I realized it was time to wholeheartedly embrace and expand upon my innate gifts. The most rewarding aspect of my work is witnessing the transformation of those who are suffering, guiding them to a place of healing and inner peace. Guided by my intuition, I derive immense joy from assisting individuals in discovering their own unique gifts and awakening to their inherent power. The process is both effortless and enjoyable, characterized by profound personal transformation. It feels like magic, yet the results are undeniably real.

Throughout my years of practice, I have witnessed the extraordinary potential for healing and growth that lies within each individual. By fostering a safe and nurturing environment, I empower my clients to access their inner wisdom and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Together, we unravel the threads of their ancestral heritage, healing deep-seated wounds and paving the way for a more fulfilling and authentic life. My dedication to this work stems from a genuine desire to facilitate positive change and inspire others to embrace their own innate capacity for healing and transformation.

In this ever-evolving path, I continue to explore and expand my own understanding of energy healing, always eager to learn and share the wisdom that comes through me. It is my honor and privilege to guide individuals on their unique journeys, offering them the support and tools they need to tap into their true potential and live a life infused with healing, empowerment, and authentic self-expression

Kyrstie Schultz: Retreat Organizer

Before making the bold move to Southern Argentine Patagonia in 2018, my life seemed orderly. I was a dedicated mother of two young boys, an Air Force wife, and had started my own business in 2014. However, despite all of this, I felt like I was exhausted, stuck on a hamster wheel spinning so fast that I couldn't locate my true north.

During my 40th birthday trip to Argentina, my husband suggested that we move there for a year after he retired. Initially, I thought it was crazy, but we went back and forth until I asked, "Fast forward five years, and we didn't do it. How would we feel?" The answer was regretful, so we made it happen. This was my first realization that dreams can be manifested.

Moving to a small town in Argentina forced me to slow down and explore various healing modalities such as flower medicine, pendulum healing, and crystal therapy. Through a mandala workshop, my creativity was sparked, and my connection to my inner voice deepened.

In 2021, my husband returned to the United States, but I found the courage to honor myself and my path and remain in Argentina with my boys. I pursued my certification as an Art Therapy Life Coach, Infinite Possibilities Trainer, and Access Bars Practitioner. I didn't understand all the messages that were coming through the mandalas, but I kept listening, releasing, and allowing.

As a result, I have been able to combine my intuitive gifts with over a decade of experience in teaching, coaching, and leadership development to create unique and transformative retreat experiences. I found the intersection of my purpose and service as I continue to experience the power of following my inner compass, taking inspired action, and watching my life purpose unfold beautifully through my work of heArt, Mandala Whispers.

I now offer Bespoke Intuitive Mandalas, painting workshops, and life coaching programs like Tune Into Your Intuition, to support the powerful transformation that occurs on our retreats.

Although I won't be physically present at the upcoming Soul Purpose Retreat in July, my love and energy infuse every aspect of your experience. I will be virtually present to guide and support you throughout the entire journey.

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My story begins when I was 5 years old, sitting in the bathtub and pinching my belly fat with disgust. I went on my first diet with my older sister that year because I was convinced that I was fat and needed to lose weight. I thought that if I was the “right” size, I would be liked, loved and accepted... that everything that didn’t make sense in my world at that time would somehow be okay.


My unhealthy relationship to food and body image continued and manifested as not eating enough, constantly looking in the mirror sideways to see how big my belly was, and always holding in my stomach. It was exhausting and all-consuming. I’ll never forget the day that I discovered yoga. From the very first practice, I knew I had found a way back home to myself - a way back home to self-love and self-acceptance. A way back home into my body.


Several years later, I got up the courage to step into a yoga studio and take a class. It was here that I knew my path, my calling. As crazy and scary as it seemed to me at the time, I knew I was called to be an instructor. “Yes, but I thought we were practicing Tai’Chi Gung at the retreat, not Yoga.” You’re right! Quite recently, I have been blessed to find a Tai’Chi Gung lineage that was created by a yogi master. It was love at first sight.


It is a practice that is available to everyone, that requires zero equipment, and can be done practically anywhere. The best way I can describe it is, it’s like wrapping a warm, fuzzy, soft blanket around my nervous system. The practice soothes me, quiets down my mind, and brings awareness to the energy around and within me.


I am thrilled and honored to be sharing this sacred practice with you. My passion is helping support women in coming back home to their body, their heart and their intuition. You are worthy of having the life you desire. It’s time to come back home! XOXO

Katrina Waters: Tai'Chi Gung Guide

I need a roommate – how do I arrange that?

To arrange a roommate for the retreat, you have a couple of options. If you already have someone in mind that you would like to room with, you can note their name on the registration page when you sign up for the retreat. Alternatively, if you do not have a preferred roommate, we will match you with another participant of the same gender to share a room with. Rest assured that we do our best in matching roommates to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all participants.

Can I bring my kids/partner? 

We believe that this retreat is an opportunity for you to take some much-needed time for yourself and recharge. Therefore, we encourage you to leave the kids at home and fully immerse yourself in the retreat experience.


However, we do welcome partners to register for the retreat as well. If you and your partner plan to attend, you can choose to upgrade to a full, queen, or king-size room for an additional charge. Please note that only one of you will be charged the room upgrade fee.

Where do I fly into?

If you are flying in for the retreat, both Houston and Austin airports are equidistant from the retreat location, which is approximately 90 miles away. We recommend that you choose the airport that is most convenient for you in terms of flight options, pricing, and transportation to the retreat.

Please note that the retreat price does not include airfare, so you will need to make your own travel arrangements. We highly recommend booking your flights well in advance to ensure the best possible rates and availability.


Is there transportation from the airport to the retreat venue?

We understand the importance of a smooth journey to and from our venue. While we may not be able to accommodate every incoming and outgoing flight due to logistical constraints, we are dedicated to making your transportation experience as hassle-free as possible. To that end, a dedicated HCR staff member will be available to provide pick-up services between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM on October 5th.

Our commitment extends to both your arrival and departure. We will do our utmost to facilitate transportation from the airport to the retreat venue, subject to availability and circumstances. Moreover, if you make prior arrangements, we can also ensure that you have transportation back to the airport once the retreat concludes.

We also invite you to take advantage of our vibrant online community by joining our exclusive Facebook group for retreat participants. This platform enables you to coordinate with fellow attendees who may be arriving around the same time as you. This collaborative approach not only lets you share transportation costs but also aligns with our eco-conscious values. Additionally, connecting with like-minded individuals prior to the retreat kick-starts a sense of camaraderie even before the event begins.

Should you require support in coordinating your travel, please feel free to reach out to us via email. We are here to assist you in making your travel arrangements as seamless as possible.


Can you accommodate dietary restrictions?

We want all of our participants to feel comfortable and nourished during the retreat, which is why we are happy to accommodate dietary restrictions. Our on-site chef prepares delicious meals that cater to a variety of dietary needs, including vegan, gluten-free, and other accommodations.

If you have any dietary restrictions or preferences, please let us know when you register for the retreat so that we can be fully prepared to meet your needs. We want to ensure that you have a wonderful and nourishing experience, both physically and spiritually, during your time with us.


What is the weather like?

New Ulm, Texas in July can be quite warm, with average high temperatures in the mid to upper 90s Fahrenheit (around 35-37 Celsius). However, each cottage at our retreat center is air-conditioned to keep you cool and comfortable during your stay. Additionally, the property is surrounded by a beautiful pecan grove and wide open pastures, which helps to provide a natural breeze and make the outdoor environment very comfortable.

We also provide filtered water to keep you hydrated and comfortable during your stay. Please keep in mind that while the indoor spaces are air-conditioned, we recommend bringing lightweight, breathable clothing and sunscreen.


What do I pack?

  • Hat to stay cool

  • Sunscreen 

  • Water bottle 

  • Lightweight, breathable clothing 

  • Closed-toe shoes for for the dewy morning grass

  • Comfortable shoes for walking around the 43 acres

  • Yoga mat if you have one

  • Insect Repellant ( natural if possible)

  • A unique totem to be added to the community altar to represent what you are calling

  • Open mind and heart to fully immerse yourself in the retreat experience


What is the cancellation policy:

  • A deposit of 25% is due at the time of booking to reserve your spot in the retreat.

  • Cancellations made less than two weeks before the retreat start date will not be eligible for a refund.

  • Cancellations made one month before the retreat start date will be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total retreat cost

  • Cancellations made 60 or more days before the retreat start date will be eligible for a refund of all fees paid, except for the deposit.


Still have a question?

 Please reach out,  we are happy to speak with you.


I am ready to say YES to Me!

Reach out. We would love to connect with you.

Thanks for submitting!

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